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Teenager when school starts | Positive Weekly Chris

Ello Bellazrino
School has started and of course every teenager don't want to go to school, and I am one of them!
It feels like freedom has been taken away from me and since term 3 is the busiest term for year 12 and there are so many assignments jam up at a time. All a sudden pressure and stress comes up.
Do you guys feel how I feel or I am actually the weird one :p. (comment below)

Normally the first day of school I will be asking when is the next holiday start? this can motivate me to count down during the term and I am almost graduate just need to go through 3 month. hanging there all year 12 students in the whole world. This is where weekly chris's positivity ming power kicks in. He will always tweet saying smile everyday, and be positive! Thinks about positive things, for me I think I am going to graduate and it motivates me.

If a bad thing happens to you do not think that why it is me !!! why meet!!!!
think what can you learn from it, or what did you get from it. Think the positive way first not kick in with negative ok? I can guarantee you that you can live happier and healthier with a positive mind
Important thing is to enjoy and cherish everything you have now and smile everyday:)
Believe in yourself guys!!!!
even though most of the time I did not but I am still trying, trying is the start of the journey.

+WeeklyChris father of positive mind
see the serious look in is face and his eye, really tell you guys to be positive and believe in yourself 
There will not be people believe in you if you do not believe in yourself first. 

Bellaz xx

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